
大阪女学院大学YMCA香港インターンシップ生interview 2012

Two students from universities in Hong Kong were sponsored by the Hong Kong YMCA for a summer internship program at Osaka Jogakuin University in June 2012. They had many experiences while in Osaka, including sightseeing, but more importantly they were assigned various types of office work, spoke at the university during chapel, helped as assistants in various campus programs, and worked as teaching assistants in classes, including Chinese lessons at Osaka Jogakuin Junior High School and cross-cultural studies courses at Osaka Jogakuin University. They also worked in the university’s English Lounge – part of the school’s Self-Access Study Support Center (SASSC). Their sense of purpose in doing the tasks they were assigned impressed the students at Osaka Jogakuin University. They also made a number of friends among OJU students and experienced life in another culture. We hope that this video will help you understand their work and the close relationships that formed between them and students at Osaka Jogakuin University.

投稿日時:12/10/11 17:51
タグ: 大阪女学院大学  国際・英語学部  インターンシップ    インタビュー  香港  YMCA香港  Internship  Student  Interviews:  Osaka  Jogakuin  University,  Department  of  International  &  English  Interdisciplinary  Studies,  Hong  Kong  YMCA 

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